Category Archives: Social Justice

The Politics Of Ownership – Fr. Tom Cullinan

Times of Christian renewal have been marked by a willingness to face challenging agendas. In [...]

Where Do You Dwell – Fr. Tom Cullinan

The following reflection written after 30 years of Monastic life in one place , Ampleforth [...]

Money – Fr. Tom Cullinan

Five short but very poignant and moving reflections on the use of property and our [...]

The Eucharist and Politics – Fr. Tom Cullinan

The Eucharist isn’t a Sabbath day escape from the world, it’s a communal commitment to [...]

Christ as Crisis – Fr. Tom Cullinan

A fascinating talk exploring the strangeness of the resistance that formed against Jesus and the [...]

Notes for CAFOD talk – (Based on Scripture readings for Lent week 3) – Fr. Tom Cullinan

Tom’s notes for a CAFOD talk explore how we as individuals and as a parish [...]

Presence – Fr. Tom Cullinan

When the Gospel writers wrote, rewrote, and reedited the gospels as we have them, they [...]