Creation Story, A Litany – Fr. Tom Cullinan

Our Creation Story

18 billion years

In the beginning God said:

Let matter and energy be. And all that now is expanded from its tiny origin. Stars formed and reformed.

And God saw that it was good ….Glory and praise to God forever

10 billion years – 4 billion years

And God said

Let one galaxy include a sun, surrounded by planets.

And let one planet, Earth, be formed – cool at its surface,

hot at its core- mountains, volcanoes, oceans. And a wisp of atmosphere.

And God saw that it was good ….Glory and praise to God forever

4 billion years

And God said

Let Earth bring forth life- molecules able to reproduce

simple marine organisms. Plants. Atmosphere. Photosynthesis.

Fish. Mammals. Birds and Beasts.

And God saw that it was good ….Glory and praise to God forever

4 million years

And God said

Let human ancestors evolve – in our own image, with reflective intelligence,

imagination, and love. They created tools and works of art. Then tribes and language,

religions and myths. Then civilisations, agriculture, writing and abstract thought.

And God saw that it was good ….Glory and praise to God forever

2000 years

And God said

Let my people be chosen among the nations. And out of its history may my Son be born.

And woman said ‘Let it be’- And the Word was made flesh-

The Word through whom all we had come to be. And

now the first born of all creation, the Risen One.

And God saw that it was good ….Glory and praise to God forever


And God said

Let there come an age of technology and communication, of

travel and commerce. And age of planet earth and ecology.

And God sees that it is good… Glory and praise to God forever

And the time will come when God says:

Let the new heaven and the new earth come forth.

Let all be drawn together in the Word, and God shall be all in all.

God will then see that it is very good.

And God saw that it was good ….Glory and praise to God forever

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