‘Another Place, Crosby’ by Anthony Gormley – photos courtesy of Ron Davies
“Disturbed by the Peace of Christ”
This phrase, which meant so much to Fr. Kevin Kelly, is an apt synopsis of the lives and ministries of Fr. Kevin, Fr. Tom Cullinan and Fr. Austin Smith. This website brings together the learning and insights these three remarkable priests gained, sometimes with difficulty and pain, misunderstanding and resistance, but always shared with humility and conviction in the presence of a living God, of the Risen One who takes our potential seriously and our failings in his stride. They recognised that their discipleship and priestly ministries, each engaged with the world to continue the work of Jesus
Austin Ivereigh: Progress toward a Synodal Church
Author of a number of acclaimed and influential books on Pope Francis, Austin was invited personally by Pope Francis to attend the recent Rome Synod in October 2023 where he gained invaluable experience from participating in the synodal process. Here he shares his insights and expertise with an audience at St Anne’s church, Overbury Street, Liverpool. (The talk lasts for 1hr, followed by Q&As).
You can read / download a transcript of the talk here:

Fr. Tom Cullinan left the security of a large monastery to live the life of prayer, work, study and hospitality at Ince Benet, close to Liverpool. Dr. Paul Murray describes how Tom and his life were such an influence on him as a theologian, and how Tom’s contributions in areas such as Justice and Peace, Scripture, living sustainably with the environment, ecclesiology offer lived examples of many of the areas discussed with regard to a Synodal church.
You can listen to the conversation with Stephen Atherton, with Q&As, here
or read and download the transcript here

Aspects of a Synodal church: Gerry Proctor describes the influence of author and leading Moral theologian, Fr. Kevin Kelly whose significant contributions to vital topics included women in the Church, HIV/AIDS, and ecumenism.
You can listen to the conversation with Q&As here
or read and download the transcript here

Aspects of a Synodal church: Gerry Proctor describes the influence of author and leading Moral theologian, Fr. Kevin Kelly whose significant contributions to vital topics included women in the Church, HIV/AIDS, and ecumenism.
You can listen to the conversation with Q&As here
or read and download the transcript here
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Gerry Proctor, Hilary Wilson, Stephen Atherton and Martin Bennett knew and worked with Fr. Tom, Fr. Austin and Fr. Kevin.